Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wet Paint pt.2

Alright, this is street artwork. The difference is that these artist had permits most likely and got paid to do this.

Wet Paint pt.1

If you walk the streets of LA like I do then u see some nice artwork. Theres a difference between that and vandilism, which is what most of this is...fight the machine.
I beg to differ

This is exactly what you think it is

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Todays is my birthday. I did absolutly nothing but it was ok. Random shots around my room. No set up for any of these. (except the 1st one)
I dont smoke. jus collect. My Hundreds ones always seem to come up missin...
You know who that is right?
Cocaine Keys.
Oh yeah it is that serious
Birthday package from mom and sister!
Other ones I never bothered to upload